나에 대해서:
A passing glance at the broken mirror reveals my full exposure. A well matured, slutty BBW transsexual who frequently enjoys a glass of warm piss and a long cigarette to sooth my dark yearnings. The delicious taste of my tongue licking a stretched open, moist asshole and then sucking off a throbbing cock... drinking down the lovely juices of cum and piss... a dream I cannot erase, or care to suppress. I'm left alone with these thoughts but I can seek another likely companion, or maybe a transitory experience or three, or more. I only have a deep desire to be watched intimately and shared privately among the endowed others. Step softly into this second self and remain permanently bound to a unique identity where passion and an inner lust keep my burning sexual convictions alive. A quivering joy remains in the exploration of greater fetishes and more intense pleasures as I learn to discipline my second self. I stay immersed in a complex secret of untold stories and bizarre fantasies waiting to be revealed. Enter my mind and float around in the warm water.
나에 대해서:
A passing glance at the broken mirror reveals my full exposure. A well matured, slutty BBW transsexual who frequently enjoys a glass of warm piss and a long cigarette to sooth my dark yearnings. The delicious taste of my tongue licking a stretched open, moist asshole and then sucking off a throbbing cock... drinking down the lovely juices of cum and piss... a dream I cannot erase, or care to suppress. I'm left alone with these thoughts but I can seek another likely companion, or maybe a transitory experience or three, or more. I only have a deep desire to be watched intimately and shared privately among the endowed others. Step softly into this second self and remain permanently bound to a unique identity where passion and an inner lust keep my burning sexual convictions alive. A quivering joy remains in the exploration of greater fetishes and more intense pleasures as I learn to discipline my second self. I stay immersed in a complex secret of untold stories and bizarre fantasies waiting to be revealed. Enter my mind and float around in the warm water.
나에 대해서
A passing glance at the broken mirror reveals my full exposure. A well matured, slutty BBW transsexual who frequently enjoys a glass of warm piss and a long cigarette to sooth my dark yearnings. The delicious taste of my tongue licking a stretched open, moist asshole and then sucking off a throbbing cock... drinking down the lovely juices of cum and piss... a dream I cannot erase, or care to suppress. I'm left alone with these thoughts but I can seek another likely companion, or maybe a transitory experience or three, or more. I only have a deep desire to be watched intimately and shared privately among the endowed others. Step softly into this second self and remain permanently bound to a unique identity where passion and an inner lust keep my burning sexual convictions alive. A quivering joy remains in the exploration of greater fetishes and more intense pleasures as I learn to discipline my second self. I stay immersed in a complex secret of untold stories and bizarre fantasies waiting to be revealed. Enter my mind and float around in the warm water.
Constance 개인 정보
- 그래요:MtF 트랜스젠더, 헤테로플렉시블
- 출신::미국
- 찾는 대상:MtF 트랜스젠더, 양성애자
- 관심사
및 페티시: - 언어:영어
- 교육:대학원
- 직업:retired
- 수입:낮음
- 관계:싱글
- 아이:없음, 원하지도 않음
- 종교:불교/도교
- 흡연:정기적인 수입
- 음주:절대 안 함
- 별자리:전갈자리
내가 어떻게 생겼는지
- 인종:백인
- 머리 길이:중간
- 머리 색상:금발
- 눈색깔:파란색